Monday, March 27, 2006


This past week – a fiendishly busy one – left me no time to comment on the flurry of posts and comments in response to Josh Corey's really rather sweet musings on the possibility of a "poets' union," and on the rather cross-purposed fusillade of pedagogical suggestions from the resuscitated Eric Selinger. But I'd like to, and I will.
Reading, still, Stefan Müller-Doohm's Adorno: A Biography; right about up to the point when yours truly was born in Frankfurt am Main, who knows how many streets away from Teddie's haunts at the Institute. I don't find my advent listed in the index, however.

And (again) Anne Carson, Economy of the Unlost (Reading Simonides of Keos with Paul Celan) (Princeton UP, 1999). My first impressions hold: beautifully written, but the insights come a bit too "easy" at times. And far more persuasive on Simonides than Celan; too often a lengthy bit on S. will be followed by two or three pages of oblique impressions of P.C.

Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash; Christopher Hill, The World Turned Upside Down: Radical Ideas During the English Revolution (a book ransacked for my own Anarchy, but never read straight thru).

Watching: Lots of Hitchock: Topaz, Torn Curtain, Marnie (astonishing, that last).

Teaching the girls to dance to the Mekons.
I've just put to bed – finally – a Parnassus piece on the redoubtable neo-modernist John Matthias. To the extent that an omnibus career-review has a thesis, that last adjective ("neo-modernist" – approbative) sums it up.
Contemplating essays: "Towards a Publication and Textual History of Zukofsky's 'A'"; "My Paul Celan"; "Economics and Economies of Words in Zukofsky."

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