Sunday, December 19, 2010

year's end ii

Tomorrow P. & I leave for the northeast, & we'll be there almost thru the end of the year, so I don't imagine I'll be doing any significant blogging (huh? you snort – when'd'you ever do any significant blogging, Scroggins?) between now & then. I leave with my head abuzz with theories of Romanticism, & with a whole bunch of contemporary poetry echoing in my ears. Over the last few days, I've read chapbooks by Alan Halsey & Joe Donahue, books by Lissa Wolsak, Dan Featherston, William Bronk, and Prageeta Sharma; I've re-read Geoffrey Hill's Oraclau | Oracles, hoping to be set afire this time around – hasn't happened yet; there's a delicate music there, & a good deal of familiar Hillian significant grumbling, but I've yet to catch the scent of the spiritual agonistics that so energize Scenes from Comus or The Triumph of Love. Probably I should give it time – I've found that Hill, like lots of other poets, needs some time to "sink in."

I returned the page proofs for the big Parnassus piece yesterday, & I suppose am taking a deep breath before tackling the big essay I've (foolishly?) promised to turn it at the beginning of February. The "finishing touches" on the other two pieces floating in submitted & accepted limbo will have to wait for their editors' gentle or not-so-gentle prodding.

This is not the first time I've felt that I'd prefer to be spending the holiday at home; but I'm not terribly broken up to be traveling, either. Most of the dither of packing & printing out maps & reservations & boarding passes has been taken care of, & I'm actually looking forward to giving my cold-weather gear its annual workout. So for all of those out there journeying this season, I wish you safe & pleasant travels. And no, I'm not going to MLA – hahahahahahahaha!


Kent Johnson said...

>when'd'you ever do any significant blogging, Scroggins?)

I'll bet both EP and LZ would have written the above thusly, the deleted g making all the difference:

>when'd'you ever do any significant bloggin', Scroggins?)

Mark, did you see the essay on Zukofsky in CR, which spends considerable time discussing your work? Just got the issue yesterday, don't have it here, and now I can't recall who the author is! There's also an amazing essay by Peter O'Leary in same section, on Apex of the M poets and "Apocalyptic poetry."

Safe travels and happy holidays!


Steven Fama said...

I think you should consider the informal form of the gerund, add a definite article, and re-title yourself "The Bloggin' Scroggins."

Safe travels, and a hearty turn o' the year...